Friday, February 4, 2011

Insert cool title here

Where to start! bad habit of not blogging yesterday but damn I was tired LOL. Yesterday was an upper push with back session filled with some ups and downs. I managed to maintain strength and ALMOST set a PR or two, but never the less fell short a rep. Could have been a majority of variables including having pop tarts pre workout; where I usually try to stick with something more filling per say, but I made them a staple this past offseason and had no problemo with low energy. Stomach is a phucking black hole these days though so it tore them up LOL. What else what else... that kinda concludes was a bit more fulfilling in terms of overall enjoyment. I've been doing a shit ton of reviews lately regarding a game I finally came to purchasing. After a few months of reviewing "Resonance Of Fate" I finally picked it up at Game Stop for $30. I'm an old school type of gamer (Marios<3, FF7<3) so me picking up a video game makes people go WTF are you sick? I haven't sat down and played an actual RPG since FF7-where I got to the end, and my younger sister lost the damn memory card. Ever since then it's been 1-2 hour sprees of this or that, then I dump the game instantly. I can't stand sitting through RPG's anymore or shooting games. They juuuuust don't do it for me. Resonance of Fate though is a mixture of Anime gung-ho slash Final Fantasy, where the battle system is pretty unique in that it's complex to the point you'll die 98784 times before defeating a boss. Quite the head scratcher but a puzzler in the grand scheme of things.

Tonight's workout was dece. Some confrontation occurred with me and the front desk lady again. Apparently I was slamming the weights and she came out to yell, but before she could do that I spoke up and in return she happened to of apologized (rather sarcastically sorta) saying "Look I dont workout, my dad told me you were slamming. Sorry" Needless to say I am one who HATES confrontation/disobeying rules so I agreed to stop deadlifting and just went along my workout with Stiff legged ones. (place doesnt allow chalk either. sucks but whatever, I will respect the gym because if I owned the place I'd hate a kid being some rebelling ho.)

By the by, I used a trap bar for the first time. (Kinda inspired by Jeff Rodriguez) Gotta say I prefer regular old fashioned nitty gritty deads better. More manly of a movement and overload versus the legs being utilized more in the trapbar. Awkward too , yet you can sure load some plates on that sucker. Stiff Leggeds have always been a dislike... I hate how they feel and how loose of a movement it is. Since I don't use a belt form has to be damn near flawless or pulling something here and there is an almost definite. Last thing I need is a fucked up sciatic nerve during prep -_-;

Lastly, Joe hit 370 x 1 on squats. So proud of that mf'er. He's lost almost 20lbs and has continued to make DAMN good progress week in and out. Goes to show hard work pays off!

Also-my right knee/tear drop area has been bothering the fuck out of me as of late. I tried some front squats and felt a pinching...I don't think it's joint issues, maybe something is tight beyond belief. I foam rolled like a mother prior to the workout, so maybe it's just a pull. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious , I'd hate for an injury this prep.

Brett out!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ground Hogs Day!

Pretty lackluster laid back kind of day. Nothing out of the ordinary unless you count a shit bucket of snow that still needs some more shovel attention. It's 2:30am and I'm still waiting for that damn melatonin to kick in. Damn you insomnia mixed with hormones that are screaming "feeeeeed meeee!"

Interesting to note: I actually talked to quite a few people today without initiating any conversation. As I've said before I'm not much of a talker or conversationalist (so to speak.) To my surprise I had quite a few convo's going at once and was very talkative. Hell, it felt good to talk to someone other than the same person for once LOL. Caught up with an old friend from highschool who happened to of "failed" today in finding somebody to go out with coffee with-too bad she didn't get a hold of me, I fucking love coffee LOL. Dieting has enhanced the taste buds and nothing in my opinion beats a good cup of coffee. Dark as fawk with some splenda and boom protein everywhere. That reminds me (nasty right?) , I recently re-purchased one of my favorite books written by Chuck Palahniuk titled "Choke." I bought it back in 2008 and nearly finished it 'till I let a friend borrow it. Short story it was never returned and the ending was never experienced...just like final fantasy seven -_-; I bought the book for a cheap $4 at SoundgoRound (local video game/movie/book outlet. neat retro place) and finished the book in 3-4 days. Pretty schweet plot twist occured and overall the book in my opinion is top three of Palahniuk's material. Diary being first followed by the oh so cliche' Fight club, and then Choke. I bought "Rant" a few months ago but never got around to finishing it due to the non-linear approach. Too much shit kept occurring randomly and the story line/narration/dialogue lacked that Minimalistic approach Chuck thrives on. I'll get around to reading it but in my opinion it's one of his weaker books.

Other than that ehhh...Pretty lackluster day as I've said. I went to the Mall in hopes of finding a pair of shorts to lift in but came up short. (Man are my puns witty?) Instead of shorts I added another pair of Fonverse (Fake-Converse, aka Levis) for $20 to my arsenal of sneakers. Similar to my black hi-top converse, these have a plaid interior that makes for a neat design. I wouldn't go far as to say I'm a sneaker head, but I fucking love how converse look. The Mall though-same shit different day. OH. I finally moved down a fucking notch in my gauges. Unfortunately my right is still not re-pierced, but I moved down to 00g's with the left. I pierced them wayyyy back in 06 maybe 07, but with a few minor set backs I've gone with and without them here and there. Really sucks because both of my ears should be at LEAST double zero's. Life ain't lemony though so make due with what'cha got! Or some shit like that. mood... Pretty moderate throughout the day. I'd say it hit its' peak around the time I was talking with others. Pretty damn good mood around 9-11pm... There after I'd say it died down a knob or two. Started to get a bit lethargic/hungry and overall tired, which greatly enhanced it to a state of melancholy. I wouldn't go too in depth and say I became emotional or felt like shit, but I didn't feel 110% myself. Man do I sound like a psycho when I say "talk to others" haha. Not that I am not someone who is anti social, it's just that I keep to myself 99% of the time...but if someone is to strike a convo with me I am ALL ears and motor mouth! Despite being a shy individual, if asked to speak I will surely speak my mind.

Also another pretty cool tid bit is that my ex girlfriend will be coming to watch my first show April 16th. Pretty cool since we ended things oddly on bad terms-but out of the blue a few weeks ago she randomly sent me a few texts apologizing for this and that with a first ever knowing of what I had planned. (Everybody forgets a lot about me, so when someone randomly asks me if I did this or that it's a bit of surprise. Normally when I tell someone something they forget, know what I mean? in one ear out the other, so she listened which is awesome.) Anyways, I'd say that was maaaaybe the highlight of my day? I dunno. I kind of regret being a dick to her while we argued (we both kind of went at it argumentative-wise) and having things of abruptly ending. With the way things are going though, at this time maybe it was for the best but I know with a hunch that feelings are still there despite her being in a relationship. Kind of them Brett kinks and analytical skillz0rz I possess haha. But enough of that I am running a bit off topic LOL. This is suppose to be a cut and dry "I lift things up and put them down!" type of journal.

So er, uh, for people that are interested I'll list yesterday's meals for my refeed. The Macro's for which I am dieting on are as followed:

5 days out of the week I follow: 40g fat 250g carbs 200g protein
2 days out of the week (tue/sat) I follow: 40g fat 350g carbs 200g protein // 40g fat 375g carbs 200g protein

Oddly enough I also hit a low point in bodyweight (154.5lbs) so I am roughly ~8lbs from where we want to be in April. That means striated ass and all that good stuff! This is all wishful thinking, hoping that we put on 6-8lbs of muscle during my offseason.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Arms/Shoulders with some Cardio...

Being that my memory is shot I forgot it is practically a new year still. That not being embedded in my head quirked the interest as to why the gym has been sooooo damn packed as of late. Recently I had to switch for the third time gym-wise. In December I finally made a two year change, moving from Court Jester athletic club to Shamrock-a gritty powerlifting gym that is VERY old school and to my liking. (Many bash it for its' craptacular equipment, lackluster this or that...but I lovelove the older esque gyms. Feels hawdkaw.) Anywho, Shamrock decided it would run out of dough and lose its' ownership making its' facility up for grabs and eventually turn into the River athletic club. The new place was only a 10 minute driving distance; plus it offered all Shamrock returnees the option for a free 3 months but here's the kink: The place it transferred is literally a locker room sausage fest with plates an inch less in diameter. So upon arrival my friend and I instantly left. Off to American Family Fitness (which ironically is the first gym I ever joined back in 2007.) $10/month ain't too shabby of a price despite how packed the place is. Cool thing again is all the equipment. Oldschool mixed with new! Plus more than ONE squat rack!

Mood going into the workout was decent. Considering I am 74 days out and on lower calories I am not necessarilly 100% mentally every day. Today was my first out of two refeed days of the week, each selected for upper body workouts since they are my most lagging bodyparts. Perhaps I will link meals as well for this blog since I have never done so in the past. (I eat pretty awkwardly and anti-bro as stated, so a bunch of variety that fits the macros for the day.)

Due to it being a new gym as stated everything feels different the first week or two. It's awesome how body mechanics adapt to certain lifts and when taken out of their previous comfort zone the alarm that rings. Bars feel different, the benches are wider/more cushiony. The plates don't necessarily feel like 45lbs plates. Mental game right? Haha.

First up were close grip bench press. Since it is my Deload week everything is sub-maximal. Meaning I am not going anywhere above 75% of a 1 rep max on each lift. (Pretty schweet since new gym = allows me to adapt with the deload week/get a feel for each new bench/bar, etc.) The bar/bench already felt awkward, and being that I am 5'5'' quite a hassle to unrack without a lift off. (Thanks Joe!) Everything was smooth sailing from then on. Since I have set lifts in the routine it was pretty easy finding a different machine out of the many that could sub in for them. I love the variety at this gym. There are more than two different machines of the same type, but each have their own feel. From cybex to nautilus , to hammer strength and life fitness. All are cool and ideal for everyone. Only crappy thing is NO CHALK ALLOWED! SUCKS.

Also a bit of reflection/thoughts of the day:

My dad currently survived type four terminal cancer, meaning he had zero chance of surviving despite today's advancement in cancer treatment. With luck (despite myself not believing in luck) he was able to beat the cancer with radiology and chemotherapy, allowing for it to go into remission. This was during my senior year of highschool and quite honestly the scariest day of my life. I still and will always remember it to this day. With every good thing a dark cloud always seems to follow above. In January of 2008 I had gotten into a fight with an egotistical kid at school; more so just beating his face in with the school monitors/principal pulling me off him, and I was suspended for a week. (kid was a douche bag, got in my face, and only resolve at this point was confrontation which I dislike. later became friends though.) Sitting in the principals office I remember getting some pretty deep lecture from the guy. I wouldn't call them life changing words, but they sunk deep down and made me think things a bit more thoroughly. Bringing up my grades he made clear that I wasn't going to pass this year unless I took summer school courses. Already being a senior this was unheard of, also considering I had a full 9 period class schedule I was screwed. Simply, I would have to undergo another year in highschool meaning being a super senior: in my eyes a complete failure. I digress, because things that you think are bad always have that potential to worsen tenfold. Call it karma, call it whatever you will but nothing can be done but keeping a clear leveled head and moving forward. So here we are, January of 2011 and my Dad calls. Cancer's back and he has to undergo Chemotherapy again this time, only it isn't so potent that it's making him nauseous and sick...Good thing so to say but I'd rather him not have cancer at all, but if he is in better spirits things are mucho better. Regardless I think about him 24/7. Much as an introvert I am, I tend to bottle emotions very well and act as if nothing ever gets to me. On the outside it seems as if nothing affects me but deep down it truly does, and my mind is on overdrive constantly always thinking about something. With him unknown to this also, I look at my dad as my role model despite his current position. At one time he was financially well off and supporting my mom and I with working crazy over time hours just so we could have a nice house , but due to his psyche things lopsided and everything more or less went to shit. I do not blame him one bit for this. Psychological problems are a serious matter, and when you have schizophrenia , medication missed is very vital. I will not go into further detail about this, but I respect my dad not only as a father but on an individual level. He was more of a man than I ever was. He worked and busted his ass every day carrying a shit ton of materials working in a chemical factory, once or twice even dying being that he had to change the tops on a tower. With that said I will without further ado admit I am scared and come to the realization that life is short and I love my father for everything he has done. With his cancer returned it is this time in the area of the liver. Meaning it will continue spreading and the possibility of it diminishing being nil, but not quite fatal as before. So it has a positive and negative in my opinion. Quoting him "They're pretty much gonna try to keep me alive long as possible. So don't worry too much we're good!" Agreeing with him I did, but deep down the negative part of me is scared shitless. I love my pops with everything I've got and I can't imagine seeing him pass. The past few years things haven't been the same and our relationship as father and son has dwindled. We used to do so much together, but ever since I hit the age of 17-18 things have changed. My previous ex-girlfriend destroyed the time I had to spend with him, as she soaked up every minute of my life until our eventual break up. I hardly even had the chance of visiting him in the hospital during the most VITAL days he needed me. That really hit home and it will forever haunt me. I think I am a shitty son and could do better, but no sense in dwelling on the past because I have seen to it that I will do whatever it takes to be there for him this time 110%. I have transportation versus when I was 18, am much more mature, and this time I will prove to him I am there.

Here is my workout from today:

Close Grip Bench

135 x 5
145 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 3

Preacher curl

5 x 6

Dip Machine

4 x 6-8

Machine shoulder press

4 x 6

Machine side lat raise

3 x 8


500 kcals on treadmill... Done in 31 minutes @ 15.0 incline 3.2-4.0 speed

Snazzy First Entry...Welcome!

While I am not new to posting entries (I have a training journal over @ that's been up and running for ~2 years) , this will be my first attempt at offering more insight on who I am versus the number of sets and reps completed via blogging. Often or not people associate bodybuilding with the typical meat head who runs around the gym grunting obsessively in tank top apparel. "I lift things up and put them down."

Oddly enough I am nothing of the sort. Matter of fact I don't necessarily look or act the stereotypical bodybuilding lifestyle. Being that I am of the "natural realm" I utilize anecdotal scientific evidence to support my beliefs at bettering myself in and out of the gym. Meaning every meal that I eat isn't chicken, brown rice, tuna, or oatmeal. But enough of that mumbo jumbo (I'll address it in a later entry) , who the hell am I really?

My name is Brett Freeman. I am a 21 year old natural amateur bodybuilder. I competed two years ago in 2009, where at 19 I finished 1st place in Teens and Bantamweights-which clinched a spot in the Men's Overall allowing me to compete for a Pro Card. I placed 3rd out of 5 which ain't too bad considering the age differences! (That and the person who placed 2nd was already a WNBF Pro!)

So here we are, 74 days away (and 144 days till my 'biggest' more 'important' show) from my first competition. I am aiming to do the same show I successfully competed in April 2009, only this time as more so of a "warm up" as it is in my home town-with my actual goal/aspiration of attaining my pro card being 144 days away in New York City: The INBF Hercules. (June 25th.)

In 2009 I competed as a Bantamweight weighing a whopping 138lbs the night before prejudging. With 1.5 years of an offseason under my belt I aimed at bringing up my most lagging bodyparts: chest/shoulders/arms. That being said I am confident with the gains I accomplished, all while keeping my bodyfat/weight under control. Under the tutelage of WNBF Pro Alberto Nunez ( since my first Contest Prep, I am confident to say this competition season will be similar as the previous!

So stay tuned!